Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Game Boy Review Mobygames
User Reviews
"CHING!" goes the Konami register... | WWWWolf (452) | unrated |
Non exactly an award winner, but not bad to kill a half hour with. | Satoshi Kunsai (2074) | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Our Users Say
Category | Description | User Score |
Gameplay | How well the game mechanics work and the game plays. | iii.4 |
Graphics | The visual quality of the game | 3.7 |
Personal Slant | A personal rating of the game, regardless of other attributes | 3.4 |
Audio / Music | The quality of the sound effects and/or music composition | 3.5 |
Story / Presentation | The main creative ideas in the game and how well they are executed. This rating is used for every game except compilations and special editions which don't have unique game content not bachelor in a standalone game or DLC. | 3.2 |
Overall User Score (22 votes) | iii.4 |
Critic Reviews
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As Tartarugas Ninja estão de volta, desta vez em emocionante aventura para Game Boy.
I have to say this is well worth shelling out for.Fifty-fifty those who claim to hate the Turtles should turn a blind center to the characters and enjoy this fast-paced and ultra-slick beat 'em upward.
Det här är verkligen bra. Jättekul gameplay och grafik helt i klass med t ex Gargoyle's Quest som flyttar Game Boy:ens gränser ytterligare ett steg längre bort. Det här spelet hör till de Game Boy-titlar du mer eller mindre MÅSTE ha i din samling!
This has got everything a turtle fan could inquire for - slap-up graphics, first-class sound and loads and loads of action! The game is thoroughly enjoyable, and offers plenty of challenge - even the virtually seasoned beat 'em up fans will observe the going tough! If y'all're into the heroes with half shells, put this at the acme of your shopping listing.
Molón, espectacular y trepidante, son los calificativos que mejor podrían definir a este juego. Parece mentira las cosas que se pueden hacer con nuestra Game Male child: magnifico sonido , scroles super suaves, personajes de gran tamaño y todo ello envuelto en una adicción sin límites. Increíble pero cierto. ¡Ah!, y si mañana te despiertas con una concha en la espalda, no te preocupes, la turtlemanía siempre tuvo efectos secundarios.
Konami is ane of the few companies y'all can count on to support a hot title like the Turtles with an equally exciting game. The scene is familiar, with a nice side-scrolling action take a chance unfolding for all four turtles on their quest to save April. Good graphics, Bosses and more!
This is a well-presented title with great music, sound effects and visuals that combine to capture the look of the show well. Gameplay is what matters, though, and this features varied levels and an assortment of different enemies that should provide a fun fourth dimension even if you are non a fan of the Ninja Turtles (or this particular incarnation). The lack of adjustable difficulty is unfortunate, but otherwise Fall of the Foot Association is an enjoyable gaming feel.
If you are a fan of the turtles then Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Pes Clan should non disappoint you. For those who don't care for the turtles and so this game doesn't offering anyhting yous tin can't find somewhere else. Equally far every bit action games go this i is not too unlike from the bulk.
Every bit an overall package, it'southward hard to fault this game. Actually, for a short trip, it'south perfect. Yous'll cakewalk through it in no fourth dimension, but the action is simply enough to keep anyone occupied, regardless of their historic period. Those looking to go their moneys worth will probably be highly disappointed. TMNT fans should have a field solar day and this is by far the all-time of the portable turtle games.
Trotz des einseitigen Spielablaufes (Gehen, Springen. Prügeln) macht das Game Spaß. Das liegt wohl an der sehr schönen Grafik, dice vor Details nur and then strotzt, und dem packenden Audio, der für hohe Motivation sorgt. Ein nettes Game für zwischendurch, aber ohne Hitqualitäten.
Die Turtles-Premiere wird vor allem durch die großen und schön animierten Sprites dominiert, die der Fan sofort als seine Kumpels aus dem Fernsehen identifiziert. Die Hintergrundgrafiken sind recht hübsch gelungen und scrollen zum Teil in mehreren Ebenen brav an der Action vorbei. Der Klassiker unter den Turtles-Modulen motiviert auch heute noch. Damit sollte dieser Befreiungsaktion nichts mehr im Wege stehen...
Overall, I remember anyone who owns a Game Boy should own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan. Information technology's a very entertaining title, and although it does accept its flaws, it is certainly worth far more simply ane playthrough. This game came out back in 1990, and it even so very much holds up to this very 24-hour interval, in my opinion.
Die Game-Boy-Umsetzung des Schildkrötenspiels läßt dice enttäuschende NES-Version schnell vergessen. Neben brillanten Intro- und Zwischenbildern wartet auch das eigentliche Spiel mit beeindruckender Grafik auf: Von der Animation der Spielfiguren über die großen Endgegner bis hin zu den atmosphärischen Hintergründen stimmt optisch einfach alles. Auch die verschiedenen Musikstücke vermögen den in dieser Hinsicht nicht gerade verwöhnten Game-Boy-Besitzer durchaus zufriedenzustellen. Leider ist das Spielprinzip steinalt. Springen und prügeln nahezu ohne versteckte Extras - auf Dauer machen da "Super Mario Land" oder "Gargoyle'due south Quest" mehr Spaß. Gut, daß die Idee mit den eingestreuten Knobeltests Abwechslung in dice Prügelkulisse bringt. In Kombination mit der gewohnt guten Konami-Spielbarkeit und dem teils recht einfallsreichen Levelaufbau springt somit noch eine Menge Spaß raus.
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles : Autumn of the Foot Clan est united nations assez bon représentant du type de jeu qu'on espérait lancer en allumant sa Game Boy lors de ses premiers mois de commercialisation: united nations titre elementary mais amusant qui vous occupe les doigts et fifty'esprit pendant vingt minutes avant de passer à autre chose.
In summary, TMNT: Fall of the Foot Association is a curt 2D activity game for the Game Male child that is borderline fun that has some decent graphics and sound. The gameplay is a bit irksome and it is very short, just it is nonetheless cheap and so if this sounds like your type of game, picked it up!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Fall of the Foot Association is surprisingly good. I haven't had much luck with Game Boy side-scrollers and I wasn't expecting much from this title, but Konami showed me that they can work their magic on even the small screen. I already said to buy this game and at that place's no sense in repeating myself… but I will anyway. Buy this game! There, I did it. Now actually go purchase the game. I mean it. *sigh* kid's these days, they never listen to their elders. Ah well, it's not my mistake if you miss out on this killer title. And then whatever human – whatever.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan is forgettable with irksome gameplay and picayune diversity apart from the uninspired mini-games. It's not at all what you lot'd await from Konami and it comes beyond as a very disappointing and shallow effort.
Source: https://www.mobygames.com/game/gameboy/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-fall-of-the-foot-clan/mobyrank
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