Dd Halfling Hiding Inside Women to Defeat Wizard Tumblr art

More o' these Just Be Normal! sillies 😜😜💖😎😍😍😍😘  🤡

More o' these Just Be Normal! sillies 😜😜💖😎😍😍😍😘  🤡

More o' these Just Be Normal! sillies 😜😜💖😎😍😍😍😘


No matter how much I beat myself up over it, I can't

No matter how much I beat myself up over it, I can't

No affair how much I beat myself up over it, I tin can't "just be normal."

It fucking sucks 😞

It's the one year anniversary of meeting the love of my life – Olive! One year ago today I met my fantastic black cat

It's the one year anniversary of meeting the love of my life – Olive! One year ago today I met my fantastic black cat

It's the one year anniversary of coming together the beloved of my life – Olive! 1 twelvemonth agone today I met my fantastic black true cat <3 She's so cute, funny and outgoing, she really is the all-time true cat I could've asked for. She is truly my familiar!

Short answer: no?

Then… I've been thinking about my gender a lot recently. Cypher new for me, just I more often than not avert getting too personal on social media :-)

I'k 99% sure I'll get height surgery when I can afford it, but I'm unsure about HRT. From my own experience with having the Mirena IUD (birth control, basically a ton of actress hormones in your system always), I experienced a lot of random side effects I wouldn't accept predicted, and to this day I'1000 not positive the extent having that for 2 years afflicted me x___x And then I can't imagine committing to taking testosterone forever!!! Just at the same time…. the movie above :v Fifty-fifty if I got tiptop surgery, I'd nonetheless be read as female (or equally a teenage boy, perchance) forever. Am I chill with that?

At the same time there's the conflict of I've never lived in this world being seen as a man and I wouldn't know how to navigate information technology equally one. What if I dont like being treated equally a dude?? This is getting long so I'k gunna stop at present 😐 Basically….I dunno.

More of these girls

More of these girls

More of these girls <3 I don't depict them all together enough = w =;;;

Drew this on a day I was feeling really crappy. Why does everything have to be so hard?

Drew this on a day I was feeling really crappy. Why does everything have to be so hard?

Drew this on a day I was feeling really crappy. Why does everything have to be so hard?

WIP for this!

I wanted to show you guys JUST HOW MUCH FREAKING Piece of work goes in to making a comic!! It was so hard for me to get from the initial crap sketch to the laid out page! Just it was also super fun, I want to practice more stuff similar this ; w ; Oh art, and so masochistic

This comic leaves us with a very important question: why was Sage hiding a jar of cockroaches over Rosemary's desk?

This comic leaves us with a very important question: why was Sage hiding a jar of cockroaches over Rosemary's desk?

This comic leaves us with a very important question: why was Sage hiding a jar of cockroaches over Rosemary'due south desk?

Drew this picture of me and my best friend Claire for witchsona week! Featuring my actual cats and her spirit animal, a white pigeon = w = Love ya Claire chan, happy birthday!!

Drew this picture of me and my best friend Claire for witchsona week! Featuring my actual cats and her spirit animal, a white pigeon = w = Love ya Claire chan, happy birthday!!

Drew this picture of me and my best friend Claire for witchsona week! Featuring my bodily cats and her spirit brute, a white pigeon = w = Dearest ya Claire chan, happy birthday!!

This is a thing I was working really hard on a few months back but wound up never finishing > . > The colors didn't work out, but I still like how the lines look ~

This is a thing I was working really hard on a few months back but wound up never finishing > . > The colors didn't work out, but I still like how the lines look ~

This is a affair I was working really difficult on a few months dorsum merely wound upward never finishing > . > The colors didn't work out, merely I still like how the lines look ~

Idk how canon this is, but sometimes you just gotta draw gratuitous yuri of your characters, yamean?

Idk how canon this is, but sometimes you just gotta draw gratuitous yuri of your characters, yamean?

Idk how canon this is, but sometimes you only gotta depict gratuitous yuri of your characters, yamean?

Even so developing these cuties, somewhere far far away… = westward = ;;;;

I finally updated Parsley and Thyme (girls 3 and four)'s grapheme designs! They've been needing information technology for a long time, I hadn't inverse them much since their first iteration in 2013! Whoops :3

Information technology was fun to draw them doing a agglomeration of things for one time!! Who knew graphic symbol interactions were so fun o:

💖 🍭 💖 🍭 💖

💖 🍭 💖 🍭 💖

💖 🍭 💖 🍭 💖

This is what I've been doing for the past twenty-four hours! I can't end… 8-iii;; I demand to start working on my beautiful girl stuff again, just I'g yet in gay Victorian boy fashion…

I included the original sketch considering I like how it looks u w u And a shut up then you can run across Laith's pretty face up!

I can't stop drawing my boyssssssssssssssssssss (while listening to panic at the disco, lololololol I feel like I'm in middle school)  I forgot how to paint so I drew this pic with FLAT COLORS to make myself feel better OTL Painting is dumb!

I can't stop drawing my boyssssssssssssssssssss (while listening to panic at the disco, lololololol I feel like I'm in middle school)  I forgot how to paint so I drew this pic with FLAT COLORS to make myself feel better OTL Painting is dumb!

I tin can't end drawing my boyssssssssssssssssssss (while listening to panic at the disco, lololololol I feel like I'k in middle school)

I forgot how to paint and then I drew this movie with FLAT COLORS to brand myself feel meliorate OTL Painting is dumb!


Source: https://dinoraye.tumblr.com/page/4

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