Family Thanksgiving the Cook Is Drunk Funny

A case of the drunchies sends most people straight into the loving arms — nay, arches — of McDonald's. But for some turnt souls, a little booze provides just the boost of confidence necessary to try things in the kitchen they'd never dare to when sober. Here are their greatest achievements.

1. Ore-Oh-No

delish-oreo-hummus / SchlitzGivesMeShitz

A more bland combo — say, a Golden Oreo and plain hummus — would have been less offensive, but dipping a Cinnamon Bun Oreo into Sriracha hummus is downright disrespectful to both parties involved.

2. Tater Thought

delish-mashed-potato-burrito / Resurrectum_

At first glance, this looks like a delicious breakfast burrito. But take a closer look, and you'll see that yellow mass isn't scrambled eggs. It's actually cheesy, over-mashed potatoes about to be wrapped in a tortilla with bacon.

3. Sick Burn, Bro

It takes talent — the kind only a hammered person could have — to screw up something as simple frozen pizza.

4. Hammer Time


It's not that SpaghettiOs are an unusual drunk food; it's that this enterprising soul tried to open the can with a hammer and screwdriver instead of this crazy-cool invention called a can opener.

5. Eggcellent Idea

Food, Dish, Cuisine, Ingredient, Dessert, Produce, Recipe,

Candy eggs are nothing new. In fact, we love them. But foods of that color and texture do not belong inside an omelette .

6. String Along

delish-drunk-grilled-cheese / My Drunkwife

When the fridge and pantry are not stocked for a proper grilled cheese, the best drunk chefs know how to improvise. Enter: this Goldfish-cracker-and-string-cheese combo.

7. How The Sausage Is Made

delish-sausage-fontina-drunk-food / Dr_King_Schultz

No bread, no buns, no problem. There's never a time when a hunk of cheese is not the solution to life's troubles.

8. So Toasted

delish-pasta-in-toaster / AbstractCeilingFan

We love a good pasta hack as much as the next person, but dropping uncooked bowties into a heated appliance sounds like a 911 call in the making.

9. Cheer(io) Up


As if green bean casserole wasn't contentious enough, this brave chef decided to top it with Cheerios — which ironically would have made a perfectly fine drunk snack on their own.

10. Mixed Messages

Pizza = delicious, and cookies = delicious, but pizza + cookies = huh? To be fair, it's Digiorno's fault; that packaging is confusing AF for someone four drinks in.

11. PB & Hey!

delish-pb-j-pasta / technically_art

This needs no more commentary than what the Reddit user wrote: "Peanut butter and jelly pasta, with Ritz crackers to make it classy."

12. Always A Sandwich, Never A Hero

In the wee hours of the morning, an egg sandwich seems clutch — except when all it consists of is soggy white bread smothered in mustard and topped with a couple mangled, over-easy eggs.

13. Oh, You Fancy?

delish-drunk-food-ritz-appetizers / ispent15minutesonthi

Why pay $20 for a meat, cheese, and crackers platter at a five-star spot, when you can make the same appetizer — albeit with ingredients from a 7-year-old's lunchbox — at home in your toaster oven?

14. Nacho To See Here

This is one Redditor's response to grief plus tequila: a truly inventive riff on nachos, consisting of Cheetos, mayo, barbecue sauce, and shredded cheese. We fully expect to see this on the menu of a Texas food truck next week.

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Deputy Editor Sarah Weinberg is the deputy editor at Delish and has covered food, travel, home, and lifestyle for a number of publications, including Food Network Magazine and Country Living.

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